Edu Passion

Edu passion is one of the activities in SMA 3 Bandung which aims to facilitate the 12th grade to choose the university that they want to go to. In Edu Passion there are a lot of college stands that are presented to provide information to students. Here are some of the universities presented in Edu Passion:

1. Bandung Institute of Technology
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) is a state university located in the city of Bandung. The name ITB was inaugurated on March 2, 1959. Since October 14, 2013 ITB has become a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) which has management autonomy in academics and non-academics. ITB has 27 internationally accredited study programs (eleven from ABET, eleven from ASIIN).
ITB's main campus is currently the location of the first technical high school in Indonesia] as well as the first higher education institution in the Dutch East Indies. [Although each of the higher education institutions that started ITB has its own characteristics and missions, all of them influence the progress towards at the founding of ITB.
The current ITB Chancellor is Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA, for the 2015-2020 term.
The Faculty is an education unit at ITB that has several study programs (formerly departments), both at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels. Meanwhile, schools are educational units that have several study programs with adjacent scientific fields.
For example, the School of Electrical and Informatics Engineering (STEI) ITB has 6 study programs, namely in the scope of engineering (Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Biomedicine, and Electric Power), as well as in the scope of computer science (Informatics Engineering and Information Technology Systems). However, the scientific scope is considered close enough. Therefore, even though the number of study programs in it is increasing, the term 'school' is not changed to 'faculty'.
Administratively there is no significant difference between faculty and school; the difference between faculties and schools in ITB is merely terminology. Both were led by a Dean assisted by 2 Deputy Deans, namely Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Deputy Dean of Resources.
Selection of ITB student admissions is done exclusively through national selection. In its history, ITB is the most selective university not only in the country but also in the world. In 2000, the Asiaweek survey noted that for the selection of admissions ITB students ranked first in Asia. [21] In 2008, the ITB aggregate admission rate was 4%, lower (more selective) than Harvard in the same year, which was 9%.
In 2013, depending on the student concerned, the level of acceptance at ITB ranged from 3.5-6.3%, [22] equivalent to Stanford (5.7%) and Harvard (5.8%) and more selective than Yale (6.9%), Princeton (7.4% ), and MIT (8.3%)

2. University of Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, abbreviated as UI, is a university in Indonesia. The main campus is located in the northern part of Depok, West Java right on the border between Depok and the South Jakarta area, and the other main campuses are in the Salemba area in Central Jakarta. Universitas Indonesia is a modern, comprehensive, open, multicultural, and humanistic campus that covers a wide range of disciplines. Has produced more than 400,000 alumni. In general it is considered as one of the top three universities in Indonesia together with Gadjah Mada University and the Bandung Institute of Technology. The forerunner to the formation of the University of Indonesia was when the Dutch colonial government established a school that aimed to produce additional medical assistants who held certificates for basic care and obtained the title of Javanese doctor (Javanese doctor). Officially the University of Indonesia began its activities on February 2, 1950 with the president (currently called the rector) first Ir. R.M. Pandji Soerachman Tjokroadisoerio. [The Office of the President of the University of Indonesia was originally based in Jakarta, in the Medical Faculty building on Jl Salemba Raya no. 6, then moved to Jl. Salemba Raya no. 4, Jakarta. February 2, 1950 was made the birth day of the University of Indonesia.
At present, UI has 14 faculties, 2 graduate schools, and 1 vocational program that runs all teaching, education and research activities. Each faculty and school has a department, research center and venture center. Each faculty / school / program is led by one dean and is assisted by two vice deans.
The acceptance of new UI students is done through a selection mechanism conducted nationally along with other state universities and selection conducted independently. The level of difficulty to enter the UI is very competitive. Every year UI only receives around 5% of new students from 100,000 registrants every year.
At the national level, according to the results of the 2016 SBMPTN, UI was ranked first in the Social / Humanities Examination Group with the highest average score of students accepted at 669.52 and second place in the Sainstek Exam Group with the highest average student score received as large as 667,4.

3. Pajajaran University
Padjadjaran University is a public university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia and was established on September 11, 1957. It has 2 (two) main campuses at the Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus in Dipati Ukur Bandung and Jatinagor Campus, Sumedang Regency.
On October 20, 2014, UNPAD changed its status to a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH) from the Public Service Agency (BLU). The inauguration was marked by a government regulation (PP) signed by former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The determination was based on performance evaluation conducted by an independent team formed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud). In addition, based on the Decree of the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN PT) which was established on January 16, 2014, Unpad received an A accreditation rating (very good).
The Padjadjaran University campus in Jatinangor is located in Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency, West Java. This campus is the main campus consisting of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of MIPA, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Communication , Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
At present, the Jatinangor Campus is being built by the Faculty of Economics and Business building, Central Library, Joint Laboratory, and 15 other new buildings that will be completed by the end of 2016. In addition to the two campuses, there are also several campuses scattered in several locations in the area of ​​Bandung, including: Sekeloa, Singaperbangsa, Dago 4, Simpang Dago, Dago Atas, Dago Pojok, Banda, Cimadiri, Cisangkuy, Eikman, Pasirkaliki, Teuku Umar, and several other places that were used by several units at UNPAD.

4. Gajah Mada University
Gadjah Mada University is a public university in Indonesia which was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on December 19, 1949 based on Government Regulation Number 23 of 1949 concerning Regulations concerning the Merger of Universities into Universiteit on December 16, 1949. The UGM campus located in Yogyakarta was the first university established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia after Indonesia's independence.
At the time of its establishment, Gadjah Mada University only had six faculties, now having 18 Faculties and two Schools namely the Vocational School and the Postgraduate School (formerly the Postgraduate Program), and more than 100 Study Programs for Masters, S3 and Specialists. Gadjah Mada University is located at the Bulaksumur Campus, Yogyakarta. Most faculties in the Gadjah Mada University environment consist of several departments / departments and / or study programs. The activities of Gadjah Mada University are outlined in the form of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which consists of education and teaching, research, and community service
UGM Student Hall is a center for activities for students in Yogyakarta. It's just that because it is located adjacent to the UGM Campus, it is finally synonymous with the center of activity for UGM students only. The UGM Student Hall was built in the 1970s and had become a center of movement for activists in the 1970s when the UGM Student Council and Yogyakarta Student Council were still based in the building. Since its establishment until now, the UGM Student Hall has produced dozens of thousands of activists in student activities.
Between 1980 and 1990, the Student Center was used by the secretariat of the ex-Student Council organs which now stand alone under the name Student Activity Unit. Sports units, arts and various special units of the Student Council still exist using various facilities in the building. It also includes the Islamic Spirituality Unit of the UGM Saladin Community, which every month of Ramadan conjures up the building into a Campus Mosque and Christian Spirituality Unit (UKK) as a place for Christian students.

5. Parahyangan University
Parahyangan Catholic University or known as the abbreviation Unpar is one of the oldest and most prestigious private universities in Indonesia, located in the city of Bandung. The main campus is located on Jalan Ciumbuleuit, and other campuses are located on Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Nias. Before owning a building on Jalan Merdeka, he also used the building "Panti Budaya" (now a new Bank Indonesia Building) for his college activities.
Unpar has the motto Bakuning Hyang Mrih Guna Santyaya Bhakti which means "Based on God Demands Science to Be Dedicated to Society".

The acceptance of new students at Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) is carried out through Interest and Ability Search (PMDK), Entrance Screening Exams (USM) and Joint Entrance Exams (UMB-PTS), for Diploma study programs and Bachelor study programs. The requirements to take part in the New Student Admission process can be seen in the table below.
